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Commemorative Benches
Create an enduring tribute to a special person, event or cause through the installation of a personalized commemorative bench within the LSPR system. Choose the wording for your bench and select from a wide variety of available locations for its permanent placement.
Download the Commemorative Bench Order Form HERE.
Pooch Paws for a cause
Honor the memory of your family's four-legged friends by purchasing a "Pooch Paw" to be permanently displayed at Happy Tails Dog Park. Your plaque will include your pooch's name, the donor's name, and a date of your choosing.
Download the Pooch Paws for a Cause Order Form HERE.
Children's memorial butterfly garden stones
In memory of children who have been taken from the world too soon, the butterfly garden at Lowenstein Park serves as a place of reflection, peace and comfort, meant to provide families and friends an opportunity to memorialize their lost loved one in a tranquil setting that provides respite with a personalized memorial paver.
Download the Children's Memorial Butterfly Garden Order Form HERE.

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