The Legacy for LS Parks Foundation serves the community by procuring funds and resources to develop, enhance and sustain Lee's Summit Parks and Recreation amenities.
Our History
Originally established as the Legacy for Parks Foundation in 2008 by a group of like-minded citizens with a passion and drive for a common interest - parks and recreation in Lee's Summit. These community leaders saw the need for a mechanism for the community to participate in the enhancement of our already amazing amenities through an avenue separate from the traditional municipal structure.
Over time, the Foundation has grown and evolved. Recently undergoing a "re-energizing process," the Board determined it was time for a new name, a new look, and new initiatives. Today, the Legacy for LS Parks Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, provides a valuable fundraising outlet to the community, allowing individuals to support the betterment of our parks and recreation system in a variety of ways. Our Board of Directors works closely with the staff and Board of Lee's Summit Parks and Recreation to identify projects, initiatives and programs which meet its' objectives and priorities for providing funding and support.
impacts and initiatives
Over the years, the Foundation has provided support to a number of large-scale projects in the parks system, including a $25,000 contribution in 2014 to Lee's Summit's inaugural splash pad, located at Miller J. Fields Park, as well as a $20,000 grant towards renovations currently underway at Pleasant Lea Park, which also assisted the Department in qualifying for a project grant through the Land Water Conservation Act. The Foundation is able to provide funds to support LSPR's smaller efforts, such as the installation of the public art piece "Twisted Sister" at the Legacy Park Amphitheater, which was made possible through matching grants by the Foundation and the Lovell Family Foundation.